Deejay Lum

Get Real Money

Get the Lum Memos & Start Banking like a Banker. Hard hitting, IMO.

Numbers in your bank are not real.

Historically, fiat currency comes and goes. It crashes at one point or another. Real money never goes out of style. Real money never loses value.

The royals and people of true power use fiat currency to buy real money, and use real money to assume more power. It's a mutually beneficial relationship - for those that understand. The rest, burn.

What is real money?

Gold and silver. Always was and always will be.

"The Richest Man in Babylon" reads as a series of stories that focus on gold-getting. A civiliazation prior to Christs' birth used gold, silver, and copper as a means of trade.

The concept never changed, only the medium of exchange did. Fiat currency is backed by nothing but the good faith that a government will do what it says. Historically, the government never does.

Remove your reliance on good faith and useless politicians that lie to your face.

Get real money. And hedge against anything and everything that occurs in society.

Society can burn and you'll have real money that always assumes its value.

That is why the "wealthy" stay wealthy, and get even wealthier.

Where to get real money?

Any local coin shop, directly from a mint like the Royal Canadian Mint, or sign up for 7k Metals.

7k Metals is useful for americas, rather than overseas. The benefits far out-weigh the one-time cost.

I personally, mostly collect bullion. Raw gold and silver in coins. In 1 ounce denominations.

The smaller coins have higher premiums (cost to purchase) and less useful to trade-in. The bigger coins are not universally bought or sold, thus less useful to trade-in.

This is a personal decison. I am specific with what I collect for collections that hold perceived value. Push comes to shove, the "value" is in the weight.

I collect in coins rather than bars because of trade and ease to store. Monster boxes contain 500 ounces of gold or silver in a box.

The Canadian Mint have 25 Maple Leaf coins per tube, and there are 20 tubes per monster box.

It is up to you what you prefer.

How to store real money?

If you're with 7k Metals, they'll store up to 50k worth of gold and silver in their vault. I request a shipment right before the 50k threshold is met, and repeat.

Once it's in your possession, you have many options: I recommend all of the above.

Have a little stash in your home, mostly to transfer into present-day fiat currency as needed. It is a savings account in real money.

Store majority of your assets outside of your home. How you choose to do so is up to you. I personally never use banks.

At the end of the day, the goal is to have real money over fiat currency, and to use fiat currency to get real money that always assumes its value.


A note on Bitcoin: the grid can be unplugged. Make money from it, but do not store in it.