Deejay Lum

The Holy Trinity

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An age old concept of religious origins.

Don't worry, this is not a religious diatribe. But I am going to make it practical and applicable, as the root of the concept is solid.

The Holy Trinity refers to God, Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ.

My Holy Trinity refers to Soul, Mind, and Body.

God, the entity that cannot be "seen," just like the soul - the driving force of a "human being."

The Holy Ghost, a voice and guide that cannot be "touched," just like the mind - a floating mass encased in a skull, but out of reach.

Jesus Christ, the physical incarnation of "truth," just like the body - a physical reality that walk-around the mind-soul.

The Holy Trinity refers to the make up of our being.

Table of Contents The Body
The Mind
The Soul

The Body

The body does as it is instructed to do. What you instruct, it has no choice, unless you believe the slight resistance to get into motion is more powerful than the orders.

Regardless of resistance, orders must always supersede resistance.

Resistance is powerless to orders, authority must always supersede resistance.

Authority of the mind, must always supersede the resistance to get into motion of the body.

The body is subordinate to the mind, and secondarily, the soul. No exceptions.

The role of the body: To keep you alive. It's role is to ensure God, the soul, remains alive and well - spreading the message through it's physical incarnation, the body.

Its instinct is of least resistance. Just like water. Water flows in the direction of least resistance. Consider it the "lizard" or "monkey."

Monkey-see, monkey-do. Lizards eat, f*ck, and sleep. That's it.

The body doesn't care about anything else.

The mind determines what the body is required to do, what the body is demanded to do, and what the body is trained to do.

The Mind

The mind translates the soul into a language. A decoder of "gibberish."

"Downloads" is a way to describe the process of translation. The soul, God, "downloads" into the mind, then the mind translate into "language" that can be understood by the body.

The mind is the seat of communication between the soul and body. The voice or guide of what the soul wants of you, and what you're here for.

It is the most important tool that human beings possess. It is why we're at the top of the food chain, other mammals do not have this "translator."

It is also a way-ward child.

It may buck at wisdom of the soul, take an alternative route instead of the path of destiny, but ultimately, it can be trained through repetition. Albeit, less easily compared to the body due to "free will."

The role of the mind: To bring forth prosperity. The mind is designed to supersede the baser instincts, and prosper as a whole, to bring heaven on earth.

It translates the soul via moving-pictures, words, and feelings.

Also known as "visions," "ideals," "passions," "voices," and many other descriptors of the process of translation.

The goal is to take the translations and implement it through the body. The mind is the compass or guiding star of the body, and the body is designed to execute the orders.

Secondarily, the mind also translate the signals of the body. When the body says it is hurt, it is translated to "I should rest" or "take it easy on Sunday."

This two-way communication between the soul and body is designed to work holistically. Integrated and seamless. The greatest marvel on earth.

We never had to "think" about this process. It happens automatically, without further input. The only "input" is self-awareness of the fact that it is happening, and to guide with more precision.


The Soul

The soul gives life, the electrical charge. We are "Gods child."

It ensures your heart beats, you breathe deep, and your eyes see.

The source of "energy." The source of "connection" to ourselves and others. The source of "reality" of this world and other parallels.

Earth is composed of a mathematical sequence that is perfectly aligned.

The level of art to do such a thing is other-worldly. The creator of the art is beyond our imagination, the mind cannot possibly translate the beauty into a language that could justify it.

It just is. Whole and complete.

Embrace it.

And embrace yourself.

Love ya,